Tim grew up in the Twin Cities and cannot recall ever living without a computer in his room. As the son of “Computer Joe”, he has learned much first and second hand from a young age about managing your device to prevent problems from ever occurring, and how to troubleshoot when they inevitably pop up. His formal education includes a BS in Biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, when he thought he could escape his fate as a computer guru. Tim joins the talented team at Empower Services Group of Minnesota (ESG-MN) to lend his excitement and round-the-clock dedication to empowering his clients and coworkers with the technology they need to be leaders in the field. Tim currently resides in Atlanta, Georga opening new doors for expansion as he uses technology and connections to service our team remotely.
Tim is a lifelong servant to his communities. He attained the rank of Eagle Scout at age 17 with Local Troop 183 and has volunteered in Minnesota for the State Fair and Habitat for Humanity. Since moving to Atlanta, he has also worked with Habitat there as well as local organizations such as Trees Atlanta, Frazier Center and Concrete Jungle. Tim also loves time outdoors, camping, marathon running, hiking and ice skating when he can.
Business Site: Empower Services Group of Minnesota – Technology Services